Are your marketing campaigns falling flat? Not seeing the results you’re after? If you’re looking for a sign that your digital marketing could use a makeover, then you’re in the right place!
While determining whether your marketing needs a complete overhaul isn’t always easy, there are certain aspects of your existing strategy that can be examined to improve its effectiveness. Insider tip: Before this introspection exercise begins, be sure you know what metrics your organization is meant to be tracking (and how) in order to determine whether you’re getting the best results possible. Getting the basics in place is always the first step. For a quick refresher course, check out this article on digital marketing basics.
Now back to our regular programming. We’ve compiled a list of some of the top reasons you may need to switch gears with your marketing strategy, let us know what you think and if you’ll need any help tweaking your current strategy. Happy reading!
Minimal ROI
An organization’s return on investment (ROI) is closely tied to its cost per acquisition (CPA), that is, how much it costs to acquire one new client. In order to survive and thrive in our current climate, your firm should seek to acquire the maximum number of clients for the lowest cost possible. You’re only able to determine your true ROI by comparing the results across channels and campaigns, seeing which methods yield the best results.
If you aren’t confident that your campaigns aren’t quite maximizing your ROI, it may be time to give your marketing a complete overhaul.
Hearing crickets across social media platforms?
One of the biggest signs that your social media marketing strategy isn’t really working for you is the lack of engagement from your audience. While every social media platform has its own version of analytics and performance metrics, likes, shares, comments and clicks are still the basic indicators of follower engagement.
Are you posting content that resonates with your target audience? Are you aiming in the dark and hoping your content lands? Do you have a linked content strategy to help generate the engagement you want? If you’ve answered ‘no’ to any of these questions, then you know what we’re going to say next. It’s time to go back to the strategy drawing board!
Limited conversions
Many firms invest in solid SEO and advertising with the end goal of driving traffic to their website. While they are often successful in this regard, web traffic isn’t the only thing business owners should be concerned with, especially if you’re looking to maximize your ROI. Attracting hundreds or thousands of website visitors every week but not converting them to paying clients is a sign that something on your website or your various calls-to-action isn’t quite working. So whether you run your own marketing or are working with an agency, you’ll want to be sure that your marketing is translating into conversions, not just website visits.
If the conversion rate on your site is a little lacklustre, never fear, there is a whole division of marketing dedicated to this problem. Conversion rate optimization CRO) seeks to identify issues on your website, remove barriers for your visitors and streamline the client journey. While there is a lot you can look at, sometimes just refining your calls-to-action (CTAs) or moving a key button to a more prominent place can make all the difference.
Not sure how to track conversions on your website in the first place? Invest in analytics tools such as Google Analytics to help your team attribute conversions to the right marketing channel, and in turn, determine the ROI for each of your existing campaigns. If you need a few pointers with this, give us a buzz, we’d be happy to help.
You’re Seeing Little or No Traffic at All
If you’re seeing little to no traffic at all, this is also a bad sign. No traffic means your marketing efforts aren’t actually working to drive users to your website or social media platforms. How can you remedy this?
- Make sure your website is optimized so it gets displayed to users in the organic search results. If your website isn’t ranking high enough on result pages, you’re losing out on lots of potential customers.
- Have quality messages in your ads and emails so that people are encouraged to click through to your site and call you, buy your products or subscribe to your newsletter.
- Tweak your pay-per-click (PPC) ads to generate more leads fast by targeting the right audience with the right content. In addition, test different ad copy and keywords to get the lowest possible cost-per-click but maximized ROI. Learn more about paid ads here.
Dig yourself out from the bottom of the search engine results pages and generate more traffic to your website by investing in an effective SEO strategy from the start.
Leaving everything to the last minute?
We’re all guilty of procrastination and possibly throwing together some marketing campaigns at the last minute. But if this happens regularly, it might be time to re-think this approach and plan a few things out in advance.
Effective marketing campaigns take time to put together and stage since you’re constantly segmenting your audience, testing existing data, keywords and ads, and coordinating the actions of your respective teams. You can’t leave anything to chance if you want your business to succeed!
Do you have a cohesive, multichannel marketing strategy?
If your answer is a ‘no’ or “what’s that?”, then your firm has an opportunity to grow in this area! Having a single marketing channel is akin to having all your eggs in one basket. And we all know the drawbacks of that, right? If that single cash cow dries up, you risk losing out on new leads and clients.
If you’re on the other end of the spectrum and have multiple channels to work with, you may have a disjointed strategy that’s not pulling its weight. What does this mean? There may be gaps in your strategy you may not be aware of also resulting in lost leads, poor conversions or inconsistent brand identity.
Effectively communicating your brand value across multiple channels gives you multiple opportunities to attract your ideal client.
Revenue Matters
The most important sign that your marketing efforts need to be revamped is if you aren’t hitting your revenue targets. After investing considerable amounts of time and money in your various marketing campaigns, yielding real results in the form of converted clients and sustainable revenue should be the headlining goal. If the numbers and costs of your campaigns simply aren’t adding up, it may be time to rework your key strategies and double-check your marketing metrics to ensure you’re on the right money track.
If you still find that your efforts and revenue aren’t aligned, or that your business is not properly allocating its resources in the most optimal way, reaching out and working with an agency may be an approach to consider to move your business forward. Our digital marketing specialists come with decades of experience and expertise that is sure to give your competitors a run for their money! If you need any help or are looking for free marketing consultation, give us a call today.